What Age Should Kids Get Braces?
Most children will need some type of orthodontic treatment before reaching adulthood. As the baby teeth are shed and the permanent teeth take their place, chances are they won’t come in perfectly straight. Proper tooth alignment is important for oral health, making the teeth easier to keep clean and preventing premature wear and damage.
Does your child need braces? What’s the best age for kids to get braces? Here’s when you need to start thinking about orthodontics.
Orthodontic Monitoring at the Dentist
As your child goes in for regular teeth cleanings and oral evaluations, your pediatric dentist will monitor their orthodontic development. If there is a reason for early treatment, called interceptive orthodontics, your child’s dentist may recommend that you see an orthodontist for an evaluation. Early orthodontic treatment may involve oral appliances such as palate expanders or habit appliances to stop thumb sucking.
First Orthodontic Evaluation: Age 7
The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that all children have an official orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. This should be performed by a qualified orthodontist who can conduct a thorough assessment of the position of the teeth and the shape of the jaw. It is rare for an orthodontist to recommend braces at this age. Most children will not need treatment until they are in adolescence.
Average Age for Braces
The average age for braces is typically somewhere between 10 and 14. This may range anywhere from later elementary school to early highschool, but most commonly during the middle school years.
Benefits of Braces During Adolescence
- Tooth shedding is complete. By the age of 10-14 the majority of the baby teeth have been shed and most of the permanent teeth are in place.
- Growth spurts. The adolescent years are also a time for significant growth spurts, during which the jaw bone is more pliable and the teeth shift more easily.
- Finish treatment before high school. Many teens would prefer to have their braces removed before high school when they have more responsibilities and may begin dating.
- Shorter treatment. Braces treatment during adolescence can typically be completed in less time than in adulthood.
- Insurance. Most dental insurance plans only cover orthodontic treatment up to age 18.
Frequently Asked Questions About Braces
Are braces the only orthodontic treatment option for kids?
There are alternatives to braces such as clear aligner therapy, but the best treatment for your child will depend on their individual needs.
How long does braces treatment take?
Braces treatment may last anywhere from 1-3 years, but most children will have braces for an average of about 2 years. Children who had early orthodontic treatment before braces may have a shorter time in braces.
Schedule a Consultation
If you think your child may need braces, schedule an oral evaluation with Kids and Teens Dental Place. As a pediatric dental practice we can assess the current position of your child’s teeth and jaws and make a recommendation for further assessment by an orthodontist if necessary. We monitor our patients’ teeth for orthodontic needs beginning at their first appointment and continuing into adolescence.
Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.